Unusual Lawn Plant Seeds from around the World

Q37 Southern Live Oak ( Quercus Virginia )
Very seldom do we get to offer the actual photo of the tree that seeds were collected from, but this is one of those occasions. The seeds we are offering come from this magnificent tree in Southern Mississippi.
Good for zones 8-10. Massive, spreading Evergreen tree with shallow grooved red-brown bark and leathery, shiny dark green leaves. Mature tree can reach height of 80 ft. and spread out to 100 ft. wide. Native to Southern US from Virginia to Florida.
Depending on the growing conditions, live oaks vary from the shrubby to large and spreading: typical open-grown trees reach 15 meters (50 feet) in height, but may span nearly 50 meters.
Their lower limbs often sweep down towards the ground before curving up again. They can grow at severe angles, and Native Americans used to bend saplings over so that they would grow at extreme angles, to serve as trail markers. They drop their leaves, and grow new ones, within a few weeks in spring. The bark is furrowed longitudinally, and the acorns are small, but long and tapered. Trees frequently have rounded clumps of ball moss or thick drapings of Spanish moss, and mistletoe is often found on them.
Southern live oak can grow in moist to dry sites. They can withstand occasional floods and hurricanes, and are resistant to salt spray and moderate soil salinity. They tend to survive fire, because often a fire will not reach their crowns. Even if a tree is burned, its crowns and roots usually survive the fire and sprout vigorously. Furthermore live oak forests discourage entry of fire from adjacent communities because they provide dense cover that discourages the growth of a flammable understory.
Although they grow best in well-drained sandy soils and loams, they will also grow in clay. Live oaks are also surprisingly hardy. Those of southern provenance can easily be grown in USDA zone 7 and the Oklahoma Live Oak (Quercus virginiana var. fusiformis), having the same evergreen foliage as the Southern variety, can be grown with success in areas as cold as zone 6. Even with significant winter leaf burn, these trees can make a strong comeback during the growing season in more northerly areas such New Jersey, southern Ohio, and southern Connecticut.
 10 Seeds $3.95
Image:By KENPEI (KENPEI's photo) [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY-SA 2.1 jp], via Wikimedia Commons
LET760 Princess Tree ( Paulowinia tomentosa )
Paulownia tomentosa, commonly called royal paulownia, empress tree or princess tree, is native to China. It is a fast-growing, deciduous tree that is primarily grown for its profuse spring bloom of foxglove-like flowers and its large catalpa-like green leaves. It was first introduced into the United States in the mid 1800s, and has since escaped cultivation and naturalized in many areas of the eastern U.S.
It is an upright to spreading deciduous tree that typically grows to 40’ tall with a rounded crown. It is noted for its profuse bloom of fragrant, tubular, funnel-shaped, pinkish-lavender flowers (to 2" long) with interior dark purple spotting and creamy yellow striping. Flowers appear in spring in clusters (to 14" long) before the foliage. Flower aroma is reminiscent of vanilla. Flowers are edible and are sometimes added to salads.
A wonderful lawn tree that can be grown almost anywhere as it will tolerate extreme temperature ranges from -10 to 110 degrees°F.
Large clusters of fragrant violet flowers in some seasons plus large exotic leaves. Amazing growth rate, a single shoot will often reach up to 8ft in a season.
The wood is easy to work with and suitable for the manufacture of furniture, plywood, moldings, doors and many other uses. The flowers are colorful and beautiful in spring and the trees are green and shady in summer.
Paulownia Trees are drought resistant once established. Their roots tend to go deep into the ground in search of water, rather than on the surface. This makes planting around the tree easy and makes it friendlier to nearby walkways or fixtures. Best for zones 5-9.
 8mg Package ( about 25 tiny seeds ) $3.95
Image:Kahuroa, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
LET812 New Zealand Cabbage Tree Palm ( Cordyline australis )
Cabbage Tree is a flowering, evergreen, single or multi-trunked tree in the asparagus family and one of the most recognized plants in its native New Zealand. The plant can reach a height of 30 to 60 feet in its native habitat at maturity. It can also be grown as an ornamental in a container and, in that environment, will slowly develop a cane-like trunk or trunks and reach a height of 15 feet. The small, fragrant flowers of the Cabbage Tree bloom in late spring. The leaves of the tree are sword-like with a 3 foot length and 3 inch width and cluster at the tips of the branches.
Cabbage Tree tolerates a wide range of soils ranging from wet boggy conditions to dry ones. If grown outdoors, it does best in moist, fertile, organically rich, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. When grown in containers outside on patios in summer, it can be brought in over the winter or grown indoors year-round as a houseplant. If grown in a container, keep soils consistently moist in summer but reduce moisture indoors in winter and site the plant in bright sunny spots in the home or greenhouse. Also note that container-grown plants rarely flower.
Cabbage Tree has a taproot that needs the root space of a large and deep container for best growth. Young plants consisting of a fountain of grass-like leaves with no trunk are often sold as houseplants. Zones 8-11, or inside plant for colder zones.
  10 seeds. Price per pack: $3.95
Image: Varun Pabrai, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
IP150 Joy Perfume Tree ( Michelia champaca )
Syn. Magnolia champaca. Excellent houseplant for colder zones or garden plant for warmer zones ( 10 and above ). The fragrance of the flower is simply amazing.
Also known as Champa, Yellow Champa, Golden Campa or Fragrant Champa is highly revered by the followers of Hinduism and Buddhism. They use Michelia flowers during religious ceremonies. Tibetans believe that the Buddha of the next era will find enlightenment under the flower canopy of the champaca tree.
Michelia has several ornamental, commercial and medicinal uses too. For gardeners, it is an excellent choice as a houseplant or as companion plant in landscapes. Commercially, the timber of Michelia is used for almost anything from cabinet-making to firewood and flowers are grown to sell at cut flower shops. The extract from the flowers of Michelia Alba is used in preparation of the famous 'Joy' perfume. Medicinally, the tree has wide applications; the bark is used to prepare tonic, the oil extracted from flowers is used to cure toughs and rheumatism, and for relieving eye troubles and gout.
Michelias are easy to grow and maintain. They love a lot of light and warmth but filtered sunlight. The best location for Michelia is the place where it receives direct and ample sunlight in early morning but partial light for the rest of the day. Suitable for containers, Michelias has shallow and brittle root system. It likes moderate watering in acidic and well-drained soil. As a general rule, water lavishly when the plant is young to allow it to develop good root system. Water mature trees moderately and feed with a general purpose fertilizer during spring. Prune in winter when plant goes dormant.
Outdoors in zone 10 or higher, Michelia can gain a height of 75 feet or more in suitable conditions. The tree bears large leaves that resemble the leaves of Mango tree. The tree booms from May to October and produces abundance of star-shaped flowers that fill the entire surrounding with mesmerizing scent. Flowers are usually golden-yellow, golden-orange and creamy-white.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
  Package of 50 seeds $9.95
Image: By Le.Loup.Gris [GFDL 1.3 or CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikimedia Commons
TRZ160 Southern Catalpa Worm Tree ( Catalpa bignonioides )
Grow a beautiful lawn tree and have all the fishing bait you and your family and friends will ever need! The southern catalpa is an attractive small to medium sized deciduous tree that grows to about 25-50 ft in height. It is of similar width with a short trunk that supports a broad, open and rounded crown.

Catalpa has large tropical looking heart-shaped leaves that are up to 8 in long and held oppositely on the stems (often in a whorl with three leaves emerging from the same point along the stem). In spring the southern catalpa produces showy 6-10 inch branching flower clusters (panicles) at the stem tips. The white bell-shaped blossoms are 2 inches in diameter and patterned with small purple spots and two large orange markings at the throat.
The flowers are followed by long slender cigar-shaped pods up to 16 inches in length. The green pods ripen to brown in fall and split to release flat fringed seeds.
Grows in full sun to partial shade. Southern catalpa prefers moist, well drained soils but is adaptable. Hardy for zones 6-10.
Spectacular spring flowers and beautiful bright green foliage make the catalpa one of the South's most distinctive and best loved native trees. Used as an ornamental, accent, specimen, or shade tree. It is a valued ornamental tree with large foliage and showy clusters of flowers in the spring. When grown as a specimen many gardeners drastically cut back the large branches of their catalpas each winter. This radical surgery is called pollarding and the result is a tree with a thick trunk, very compact crown and very large beautiful foliage.
Catalpa also has some limited use in the forest products trade for fence posts, rails and crates.
This tree has been widely planted and naturalized outside its native range because it is the host plant for a caterpillar commonly called the catawba worm. These are a popular fishing bait for southern freshwater fish.
All across the American Deep South the catalpa tree is seen, often stripped bare of it's leaves by hungry caterpillars. This means only one thing - it's time to go fishing! The foliage is quickly replaced in a few weeks and the cycle can be repeated several times in a season.
 115mg pack ( about 20 seeds ) $2.95
 100 seeds $7.95
Image:Rik Schuiling / TropCrop-TCS, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
LET759 Calabash Tree ( Crescentia cujete )
Crescentia cujete, commonly known as calabash tree, is a small tropical evergreen tree of the Bignonia family that grows to 30’ tall. Original native territory is unclear, but probably extends from Mexico through Central America to Brazil plus the Caribbean. It is found today primarily in forest margins, thickets and roadsides. It has been introduced over time in many tropical areas around the world. It has naturalized in India. It is particularly noted for its paddle-shaped green leaves ( to 10" long )and it's tubular flowers ( tubes to 2" long ) which are light yellowish-brown with flaring lobes and purple interiors, and forit's large, spherical, gourd-like, yellow-green fruits ( each to 8-12" diameter ).
Flowers and fruits are both cauliflorus ( borne directly on the branches and trunk ). Trees typically bloom and fruit throughout the year. It takes about 6 months for a fruit to grow and ripen. Flowers appear singly or in small clusters, have a strong somewhat unpleasant aroma, and are pollinated by bats. Fruits mature to the size of a soccer ball, have a tough woody shell containing a pulpy flesh, and are often hollowed out and used as containers. Fruits are also used to make maracas. Long history of herbal medicinal uses.
A calabash is primarily used to make utensils such as cups, bowls, and basins in rural areas. It can be used for carrying water, or for transporting fish, when fishing. In some Caribbean countries, it is worked, painted, and decorated and turned into items by artisans, and sold to tourists.
As a cup, bowl, or even a water-pipe or "bong", the calabash is considered consistent with the "Ital" or vital lifestyle of not using refined products such as table salt, or modern cooking methods, such as microwave ovens. In Haiti, the plant is called kalbas kouran, literally, "running calabash", and is used to make the sacred rattle emblematic of the Vodou priesthood, called an asson. As such, the plant is highly respected. It is the national tree of St. Lucia. In Cuba, the dried fruit is commonly used as a coffee cup by rural farmers.[5] In Dominican Republic, the plant is called the higüero tree and it is popularly used to make decorative objects and ornaments, though historically it has been used in all sorts of ways. Best grown in zones 11-12.
  10 seeds per pack $3.95
LET757 Chinese Pistachio ( Pistacia chinensis )
Looking for a drought-tolerant and hardy tree for your urban environment? Look no further than the Pistacia chinensis, also known as the Chinese Pistach or Chinese Pistache. This tree is a popular choice for street trees in urban settings due to its ability to survive in harsh environments and withstand drought conditions. It grows quickly and doesn't mind heat and drought.
In the low-elevation deserts of Arizona, the Chinese Pistach is the only tree whose leaves turn a vibrant scarlet in the fall, making it a stunning addition to any landscape. Its foliage is dark green in the summer and turns orange or orange-red in the fall, creating a beautiful display of autumn colors.
The Chinese Pistach is native to central and western China, Taiwan, and the Philippines. It is a small to medium-sized tree, growing from 9-15 meters tall, and exceptionally up to 25 meters. The leaves are deciduous and pinnate, with 10 or 12 leaflets, and the terminal leaflet usually absent. The tree produces small red drupes containing a single seed.
This tree is most highly regarded in warm climates and grows best in full sun. It is also the most frost-tolerant species of Pistacia, withstanding temperatures down to about -25°C. Chinese Pistach is also disease-free, making it a low-maintenance choice for street trees or shade trees.
Not only is the Chinese Pistach a visually appealing tree, but it also has practical uses. In China, the oil from the seeds is used for biodiesel production. In Florida, it is used as a shade tree and as understock for the edible pistachio nut tree, P. vera.
If you're looking for a tree that can thrive in urban environments and provide beautiful fall colors, the Chinese Pistach is an excellent choice. Visit our website for more information on this impressive and versatile tree.
Best grown in zones 6-9.
  5 or more seeds per pack $3.95
TRZ154 Appleblossom Cassia ( Cassia nodosa )
Spectacular medium size fast growing tree with a fine spreading crown. Masses of bubbly fragrant pink appleblossom flowers appear in spring-summer held in cascading clusters along downy branches.
Lovely, tropical, rich green, pinnate foliage. Briefly deciduous during dry season. The flowers range in colour from pale pink to crimson with yellow coloured stamens and are found in open clusters. The ground under the tree is covered with a beautiful carpet of pink towards the end of the flowering season.

For zones 9A through 11.
Package of 10 seeds $3.95
Package of 50 seeds $9.95
Image:Acabashi, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
TRZ143 Sweet Bay Laurel ( Laurus nobilis )
Bay laurel is a pyramid-shaped tree or large shrub with aromatic, evergreen leaves and shiny gray bark. It can reach 60' in height in its native range, but generally is much smaller (3-10' tall) in culture. Bay laurel sometimes produces suckers from the base. The leaves are elliptic, 3-4" long, rather thick and leathery, and shiny dark green. Clusters of small yellow flowers are produced in spring, followed, on the female plants, by shiny black or purple berries about 1/2" long.

Location: Bay laurel is native to the southern Mediterranean region. It is grown commercially for its aromatic leaves in Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, and Mexico.
Culture: Light: Bay laurel grows best in partial shade.
Moisture: Water when dry. Bay laurel thrives with frequent watering in rich, well-drained soil.
Hardiness: USDA Zones 8 - 10.
Usage: Where hardy, grow bay laurel in a woodland garden or as a specimen. Protect from cold winter winds. Bay laurel is an excellent shrub for hedges and a favorite for topiary sculpture because it responds very well to pruning. It can be trained as a standard or allowed to grow as a spreading shrub. In cooler regions, grow in a container and bring indoors in winter.

The popular culinary seasoning, bay leaf, is used extensively in French, Italian, Spanish and Creole cooking. It flavors soups, stews, shellfish boils, pickling brines, sauces, marinades, and poultry and fish dishes. Always remove the bay leaves before serving, because they are sharp and can cut the mouth and throat. French chefs place bay leaves, parsley and thyme in a little bundle called a bouquet garni that is removed after cooking. Pick bay leaves early in the day and dry quickly under weight so they won't curl. Store in an air-tight jar.

Features: Bay laurel is the true laurel of Greek and Roman mythology. A poet laureate is an accomplished poet, and the Roman poet, Ovid, retold the story of the Greek nymph, Daphne, who was transformed into a laurel tree by her father, Peneus, so that she could avoid the amorous pursuit of the god, Apollo. (Cupid had shot an arrow into the fair maiden's heart so that she would not love Apollo.) Thereafter, Apollo wore a wreath of laurel to show his love for Daphne. Laurel has always symbolized victory and merit, and a baccalaureate (baca lauri, Latin for "laurel berry") still is a symbol of accomplishment. Bay laurel has been credited with magical properties, like protecting from witches, the devil and lightning.
The leaves and berries of bay laurel contain the essential oils eugenol, cineol and geraniol, which account for the distinctive spicy aroma. Infusions are reputed to soothe the stomach and relieve flatulence. An oil pressed from the berries was once a popular liniment for arthritis and sore muscles, and still is used in perfumes, candles and soaps.

 Package of 5 seeds $3.95
Image:jacilluch, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
LET761 Tree Like Rhododendron ( Rhododendron arboreum )
R. arboreum is a large, narrow, evergreen tree, with dark green leaves, with a smooth cinnamon-brown, fawn or silvery indumentum on the undersides. Flowers, produced in rounded trusses in early spring, are may be red, white or any shade of pink, usually with spotting in the throat.
One of the most stately and impressive species rhododendrons, Tree Rhododendron is the state tree of Uttarakhand. It is extremely variable in stature, hardiness, flower color and leaf characteristics. Its species name arboreum means tree-like. It has broad, dark green leaves, 3-7 inches long, with a silvery, fawn or brown hairy coating beneath. In early and mid spring, trusses of 15-20 bell-shaped flowers, 2 inches wide and 1.25-2 inches long are produced in mostly scarlet color, but can be various shades. They have black nectar pouches and black spots inside. This plant holds the Guinness Record for World's Largest Rhododendron. In fact, a scarlet Rhododendron arboreum on Mt. Japfu, Nagaland reached a height of 60 feet. Rhododendron is native to Himalayas, from Kashmir eastwards to Nagaland.
Rhododendron arboreum prefers moist, humus rich, well-drained soils. It prefers an acidic pH of soil. Hardy for zones 6-9.
Plant these seeds on the surface of the soil (do not bury them), water and keep moist until germination. Place the pot in a clear plastic bag to help retain moisture/humidity on the seeds until they germinate, at which time the bag should be removed. Germination occurs in approximately 6 weeks.
2mg pack ( about 25 tiny seeds ) $3.95
TRZ157 Flowering Camellia ( Camellia japonica )
Discover the beauty of the Japanese Camellia, also known as Camellia japonica or "rose of winter". A flowering shrub or small tree, it is native to Japan, Korea, and China and is the official state flower of Alabama. With shiny dark green leaves, the flowers of this plant can come in red, white, or pink shades, sometimes with stripes or specks.
Camellia japonica wants to grow in a rich, acid soil with part shade or full sun and can be cultivated as both a shrub or small tree. In addition to its aesthetic appeal, an edible oil called "tsubaki oil" can be obtained from the seeds. Explore the thousands of cultivars available and bring the beauty of this graceful plant into your home garden.
It is native to Japan and is well-known for its beautiful and vibrant flowers. Camellia japonica is highly regarded for its ornamental value and has been cultivated for centuries in Japan and other parts of the world.
Best suited for zones 7-9, but can also be grown as a container plant in cooler zones.
  5 seeds per pack. Price per pack: $3.95
Image: By Karduelis [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons
AW85 Camellia Tea Plant ( Camellia sinensis )
The tea plant is a small shrub about 3 to 8 feet in height when mature outside, though it will grow taller if you don't prune it. In the fall, your tea shrub will flower with small white blossoms that have a delightful scent. These plants are often grown as ornamentals.
This is the tea produced commercially around the world. The tender, young leaves are used in the process of tea production.
Can be grown in tubs inside, or in cool greenhouses, outdoors in warm climates. Prefers moist, well drained, humus rich, slightly acidic ( 5.5-6.5 )soil. We recommend maintaining a 2-3 inch deep mulch of shredded bark or leaves around base of plant.
Hardy to zone 8, can be grown in zone 7 with protection. To make green tea, pick only the top 3 leaves from new growing tips, spread and dry in the shade for 6-8 hours, then in an open pot, heat ( simmer ) the leaves, stirring frequently for about an hour.
Click here for an informative site on growing and making your own tea. For black tea, you must ferment the leaves. USDA Zones 8 to 11.
  5 seeds per pack. Price per pack: $4.95
TRZ144 Golden Rain Tree ( Koelreuteria paniculata)
Looking for a beautiful tree to add to your garden? Look no further than Koelreuteria paniculata, also known as Golden Rain Tree, Pride of India, or Varnish Tree. This fast-growing deciduous tree can reach up to 10 meters tall and boasts foot-long clusters of yellow flowers in the summer, followed by striking red or brownish pods that persist into the fall. It is popularly grown as an ornamental tree all around the world because of its aesthetic appeal. It is hardy to zone 6 and is not frost tender, making it a great addition to temperate regions. This tree is also noted for attracting wildlife, with hermaphrodite flowers that attract bees. It is very adaptable to various soil types, including light (sandy), medium (loamy), and heavy (clay) soils. It prefers dry or moist soil and can tolerate strong winds but not maritime exposure. Add a touch of beauty to your garden with the Koelreuteria paniculata! For zones 6-9.
  Package of 10 seeds $3.95
Image: Forest & Kim Starr, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
TRZ136 Copper Pod Tree ( Peltophorum pterocarpum )
This fine tree for warm zones has beauty, fragrance and makes a great shade tree! Also known as Yellow Poinciana. This upright, handsome, spreading, semi-evergreen tree has a rounded canopy and is capable of reaching 50 feet in height with a 30 to 50-foot spread. Form can be quite variable from tree to tree.
With proper training and pruning in the nursery and in the landscape, a more uniform crown will develop. The dark green, delicate, feathery leaflets provide a softening effect for the tree's large size and create a welcoming, dappled shade. From May through September, the entire tree's canopy is smothered with a yellow blanket of flowers, appearing in showy, terminal panicles and exuding a delicious, grape-like perfume. These flower clusters are followed by four-inch-long seed pods which ripen to a brilliant, coppery red.
Medicinal uses: bark for dysentry, tooth powder, eye lotion, embrocation for pains and sores; the bark gives a dye of a yellow color. Can be used as a shade or specimen tree.
USDA hardiness zone 10b. It is a fast-growing tree. Temperatures in the high 20's cause the leaves to drop but these are quickly replaced. Young trees flower in 2-3 years from seed.
  10 seeds $3.95
  25 seeds $7.95
Image: By Dcrjsr [CC BY 3.0], from Wikimedia Commons
TRZ142 Redbud ( Cercis Canadensis )
A good formal hedge growing to 20 ft. in zones 5-9. A mutli-stemmed shrub with heart shaped leaves that are bronzy red when young, giving it the name of Redbud. Prefers moist, but well drained fertile soil. Space plants 2 ft. apart. An excellent lawn plant for zones 4-9.
Seed of the redbud have hard, impermeable seed coats in addition to dormant embryos. Seed require both scarification and cold stratification before they will germinate. Redbud seed can be scarified by submerging seed in boiling water for one minute. Once scarified, the seed should be cold stratified at 35 to 41 °F ( simply place seeds in fridge ) for 5 to 8 weeks. Seed should be planted promptly at a depth of 1/4 inch.
 10 seeds $2.95
LET507 Peacock Flower ( Caesalpinia pulcherrima )
The most popularly planted species of Caesalpinia is Caesalpinia pulcherrima. Common names for this species include Poinciana, Pride of Barbados , Red Bird of Paradise, Mexican Bird of Paradise, Dwarf Poinciana, and flamboyan-de-jardin. It is a shrub growing to 3 m tall, native to tropical America.
It is a striking ornamental plant, widely grown in tropical gardens. It is also the national flower of the Caribbean island of Barbados, and is depicted on the Queen's personal Barbadian flag.
Peacock flower is an evergreen shrub or small tree in frost free climates, a deciduous shrub in zone 9, and a returning perennial in zone 8. In the tropics it gets 15-20' tall and its ungainly, wide spreading branches can cover about the same width. In cultivation peacock flower is usually 8-12' tall, growing that large even after freezing to the ground the previous winter. The stem, branches and petioles are armed with sharp spines and the leaves are fernlike and twice compound, with many small, oval leaflets.
Peacock flower lives up to its name with incredibly showy blossoms of orange and red. The flowers are bowl shaped, 2-3" across, with five crinkled, unequal red and orange petals, and ten prominent bright red stamens that extend way beyond the corolla. The flowers are borne in terminal clusters 8-10" tall throughout most of the year in tropical climates and in late summer and fall where frosts occur. There also are forms with yellow and forms with dark red flowers. The fruits, typical legumes, are flat, 3-4" long, and when ripe they split open noisily to expose the little brown beans.
Package of 5 seeds $3.95
TRZ123 Nannyberry ( Viburnum lentago )
A versatile native shrub with excellent year-round interest, and many uses. It features showy white flowers in May and burgundy leaf color in autumn with dark blue edible berries. A large upright shrub, it spreads by roots to form colonies and makes an excellent privacy screen or hedgerow. It can be maintained as a small tree by pruning stems and removing the suckers at the base. Adaptable to a wide range of soils, this native viburnum is found in low moist woods or near stream banks, but will tolerate drier sites. Very shade tolerant in nature, it grows larger in open sunny areas.
Viburnums offer excellent support for birds and pollinators, and serve as host plants to numerous butterflies and moths. They tend to flower profusely whether or not pollination occurs. However, poor fruiting will happen if there is only one Viburnum available, so try to grow at least two somewhat close together. The edible berries can be used to make jams and jellies.
It can grow 15 to 20 feet tall and should be spaced about 15 feet apart. Hardy for zones 2-8.
  10 seeds $3.95
  25 seeds $7.95
Image: By Chhe [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons
FB153 Korean Bee Tree ( Evodia danielli )
Syn. Tetradium daniellii. Evodia is a little-grown tree 25 to 30 feet tall. It is a fast grower with no pests, adapted to sunny, well-drained sites. Small white flowers are produced in 4 to 6 inch wide corymbs from June through August which attracts a great number of bees and butterflies. These are followed by fruits which turn from red to black from August through November.
Provides flowers and attractive fruit in a period when few other woody plants are flowering. The plant fits well in smaller gardens and closed areas. Good for zones 4-9.
  45mg pack ( about 10 seeds ) $2.95
  50 seeds $7.95
SF082 Japanese Mock Orange ( Pittosporum tobira )
A beautiful broadleafed evergreen shrub or small tree can reaching up to 15 feet in height and about the same in width if allowed to, but often grown as a hedge or patio plant and pruned to a much shorter height.
Does well in the shade or full sun, making it a useful lawn shrub.
The leathery leaves are glossy on the top with undersides that are lighter and have a dull surface. These very ornamental leaves reach a length of from 1 to 5 inches and up to 1 inch wide.
However, our favorite feature is the waxy white flowers that add a delightful fragrance to the spring garden. Japanese mockorange is named so because the scent put forth by its blossoms is similar to that of the sweet orange (Citrus sinensis). The small flowers are about a half inch in diameter and are held in clusters at the branch tips. They are pure white when they emerge from the bud and slowly age to a mellow creamy yellow. They appear in late spring and last for several weeks.
Native to China and Japan, it is used as an ornamental in milder climates throughout the world. In the USA, it is a popular landscape item in Florida, along the Gulf Coast and throughout the Pacific Northwest as well as a patio plant in cooler climates.
Hardy for Zones 8-10. A good choice for screens and informal hedges. It can also be closely sheared to create formal hedges and will also grow well in containers. The beautiful evergreen foliage and ability to produce its fragrant flowers indoors make this a desirable greenhouse plant.
  700mg package ( about 20-25 seeds ) $2.95
Image: দিব্য দত্ত, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
E3152 Button Bush ( Cephalanthus occidentalis )
Buttonbush is a very under-utilized plant. It has so many unique things to offer. Hundreds of tiny, tubular creamy white flowers are packed into large showy flower heads, which dangle from the bush in August. Butterflies and other insects find the nectar irresistible.
The fragrant flower heads mature into round fruits each containing hundreds of nutlike seeds that are eaten by waterfowl and other birds such as quail. Many birds use this deciduous shrub as a nesting site. It is a tremendous source of nectar for hummingbirds, butterflies and other pollinators and should be grown close to gardens when possible to help with pollination.

Buttonbush is naturally found in wet areas that are usually too wet for other perennial species to establish and thrive, but will grow just about anywhere you plant it, including upland sites, but not in really dry soil.
If you have a spot that has standing water during parts of the year, this is the plant to make that spot beautiful!
It makes wonderful cover to protect ducks from predators, crappie absolutely love to spawn under them, bees utilize the flowers to make excellent honey, deer love the new growth, and the list goes on.
Thanks to its super fast growing root system, buttonbush is great to use as an erosion control and water quality tool, such as in stream bank stabilization and mitigation projects.
Aside from the many wildlife and environmental benefits, buttonbush provides a long lasting, unique bloom display, and the glossy leaves show streaks and splotches of blood red color before dropping in the fall.
Zones 6-10.

 200mg pack ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
JB159 Burning Bush ( Kochia Trichophylla )
An excellent way to add dramatic color to your flower beds and backgrounds, this feathery bush is pale green in the summer, but then transforms to an intense red in the fall. It is symmetrical and oval in form and makes an outstanding foliage plant. Truly one of a kind and brings a great addition to the flower garden.
It reaches 28 inches in height and looks great when grown as a hedge along the border or in groups of 3 for focal interest. For areas with a long growing season, Kochia Burning Bush seeds can be started directly outdoors in a prepared seed bed. For earlier Kochia plants, start the seeds indoors. Transplant outdoors after danger of frost has passed. Plant in full sun. Annual.
 400mg ( about 500 seeds ) $3.95
TRZ138 Fragrant American Olive ( Osmanthus americanus )
Also known as Devilwood, so named because the fine-textured wood is difficult to split and work. The fruit resembles the cultivated Olive in the same family. The genus name, Osmanthus, from the Greek words for "odor" and "flower," refers to the fragrant blossoms. This is a great lawn plant. The small, creamy-white flowers are extremely fragrant and are followed by blue-black fruit which resembles small cherries.
It is a small, evergreen shrub or tree with a narrow, oblong crown, 15 to 20 feet tall, and sometimes reaching 50 feet. The leaves, which last year round, are opposite with a smooth to slightly wavy margin and rusty colored underside. The bark is gray-brown and finely scaly. In spring, small, urn-shaped, fragrant white flowers mature on the previous year's growth. The small tree produces a dark blue drupe that matures in the fall.
Tolerates a range of soil conditions as well as wind. It prefers partial shade and moist, well drained soil. It takes well to pruning and can be shaped as desired.
For zones 5b to 9b.
 10 seeds $3.95
Image: AnRo0002, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
LET469 Mountain Ash ( Sorbus aucuparia )
Commonly called European mountain ash, is native to Europe and Asia. It has been widely planted in northern North America as an ornamental and has naturalized in some parts of Canada and the northern U.S. It is primarily cultivated for its compound green leaves and attractive clusters of fall fruit. It is a small, deciduous tree that grows to 20-40’ tall with a narrow, upright-oval crown, usually rounding and opening with age. Leaves turn yellow to reddish-purple in fall. Small, white, 5-petaled flowers (1/3” across) bloom in flattened corymbs in May.
Best suited for zones 3-6.
  10 seeds $3.95
Image: By Bruce Marlin [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
FDR109 Cucumber Tree ( Magnolia acuminata )
Magnolia acuminata, commonly called the cucumber tree, cucumber magnolia or blue magnolia, is one of the largest magnolias, and one of the cold-hardiest. It is a large forest tree of the Eastern United States and Southern Ontario, Canada. It is a tree that tends to occur singly as scattered specimens, rather than in groves.
Unlike most magnolias, the flowers are not showy. They are typically small, yellow-green, and borne high in the tree in April through June. The leaves of Magnolia acuminata are pointed at the tip and provide it with its name - 'acuminate' means tapering to a fine point. The name Cucumber Tree refers to the unripe fruit, which is green and often shaped like a small cucumber.
One of the few magnolias that will serve as a shade or lawn tree. Needs a large space. Flowers are fragrant and foliage releases a slightly spicy fragrance when crushed.
Hardy for zones 3-8.
 5 seeds $2.95
LET507 Peacock Flower ( Caesalpinia pulcherrima )
The most popularly planted species of Caesalpinia is Caesalpinia pulcherrima. Common names for this species include Poinciana, Pride of Barbados , Red Bird of Paradise, Mexican Bird of Paradise, Dwarf Poinciana, and flamboyan-de-jardin. It is a shrub growing to 3 m tall, native to tropical America.
It is a striking ornamental plant, widely grown in tropical gardens. It is also the national flower of the Caribbean island of Barbados, and is depicted on the Queen's personal Barbadian flag.
Peacock flower is an evergreen shrub or small tree in frost free climates, a deciduous shrub in zone 9, and a returning perennial in zone 8. In the tropics it gets 15-20' tall and its ungainly, wide spreading branches can cover about the same width. In cultivation peacock flower is usually 8-12' tall, growing that large even after freezing to the ground the previous winter. The stem, branches and petioles are armed with sharp spines and the leaves are fernlike and twice compound, with many small, oval leaflets.
Peacock flower lives up to its name with incredibly showy blossoms of orange and red. The flowers are bowl shaped, 2-3" across, with five crinkled, unequal red and orange petals, and ten prominent bright red stamens that extend way beyond the corolla. The flowers are borne in terminal clusters 8-10" tall throughout most of the year in tropical climates and in late summer and fall where frosts occur. There also are forms with yellow and forms with dark red flowers. The fruits, typical legumes, are flat, 3-4" long, and when ripe they split open noisily to expose the little brown beans.
Package of 5 seeds $3.95
Image: By MPF - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
TRN815 Dead Man's Fingers ( Decaisnea fargesii )
A small multi-trunked tree, Decaisnea rarely exceeds 5-6 meters in height, with a similar spread. The bright green pinnate leaves, which can be as long as 90cm (3ft), emerge in mid-spring. The pendent panicles of blooms, up to 45cm (18in) long, have sparse bright green-yellow petalless flowers, up to 3cm (2in) in diameter. The fruit, up to 15cm (6in) in length and resembling fat been-pods, turn dull metallic blue in the autumn.
Decaisnea can make for a remarkable conversation piece in any garden. The common name 'Dead Man's Fingers' is a surprisingly apt description of what the over-ripe fruit looks, and dare we say, feels like. This is a beautiful plant in its own right, but it really shines as an annual source of excellent Hallowe'en decorations. Even better effects for halloween decorations is the fact that inside the ripe blue pods are several dozen black beans are suspended in a liquid that looks like clear phlegm, they are truely gross looking, but the "phlegm" is actually sweet and delicious.
Sow seed in containers in autumn or spring. Maintain even, but not excessive, moisture. Grow on in any good garden soil. Hardy to 5°F.
  5 Seed Package $3.95
Image: Author: Andreas D. on flickr. Wikimedia Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/spengler/49485107/
IP325 Fairy Duster ( Calliandra eriophylla )
Fairy dusters appeal to gardeners seeking an ornamental, drought-tolerant shrub for warm, dry areas within zones 7 to 11. Their feathery, light-green foliage lasts all year and is accented by an abundant display of brushy, pale-pink flowers from late winter until midsummer.
Outside, it can be formed into a handsome small shrub-like tree that grows to 4 feet tall. It is well known for its fuzzy pink-red flowers and delicate feathery leaves. A fine houseplant in cooler zones if given bright light, it also makes an excellent bonsai. For warm zones. Flowering in Spring and fall. May also be grown indoors in sunny location.
Hardy to five degrees outside, it may die back to ground, but will come back in spring.
  10 seeds $2.95
  25 seeds $5.95
D1160 Silk Tree ( Albizia julibrissin )
A fast-growing, small to medium sized, deciduous tree that typically grows in a vase shape to 20-40’ tall with a spreading, often umbrella-like crown. It is native to Asia (Iran to Japan). It has been widely planted in the U. S. as an ornamental and has escaped cultivation and naturalized in many areas of the southeastern U. S. and California. It is noted for its bipinnate compound dark green leaves up to 20” long. Leaves have a fern-like appearance. Fluffy, pink, powder puff flowerheads cover the tree with a long summer bloom. Flowers are fragrant and attractive to bees. Flowers give way to flat bean-like seed pods which persist into winter. Sensitive leaflets close up when touched and at night. Zones 6-9.
  Package of 5 seeds $2.95
  Package of 25 seeds $7.95
TRZ104 Mescal Bean Tree ( Sophora secundiflora )
Also known as Texas Mountain Laurel, this is a small North American native evergreen, growing 15- to 25-feet-tall with a 10-foot-spread but is capable of reaching up to 50-feet-tall in its native habitat.
It has a narrow upright silhouette and dense foliage which lends itself well to being pruned into a tree form. Texas mountain laurel can be used as a specimen, patio, or street tree and is ideal for use as a screen, bank cover, or an espalier. The 2-inch-long, dark green leaves are glossy, thick, and leathery.
In spring, Texas mountain laurel is a beautiful sight as it displays its dense, 2- to 5-inch-long, pendulous clusters of purple/blue, extremely fragrant flowers.
The extremely fragrant purple flowers, resembling the smell of grape soda, are produced in large clusters in March and April.
The hairy seedpods which follow are 8-inches-long and ripen to reveal the inner, bright red seeds. These seeds are quite decorative and have been used to make necklaces but they are also poisonous. The fissured bark is dark gray to black.
Hardy for zones 7b-10.
We are not sure where the name mescal bean tree comes from, the beans were in fact once used by some native American tribes as a hallucinogen, before being supplanted by peyote. This plant does not contain any mescaline, however; all parts of it are highly poisonous, due to the principal alkaloid cytisine, which is chemically related to nicotine.
  Package of 5 seeds $3.95
B1702 Sacred Japanese Cedar ( Cryptomeria japonica )
A large conifer to 200 feet tall with a trunk to 20 feet in diameter, covered in reddish bark, and a conical crown with spreading branches. The leaves are small, needle-like and dark green.
It is native to southern Japan as well as southern China where it is found in a variety of forests from near sea level to over 8200 feet. In cultivation, it is popular as a forestry and ornamental tree in Japan and China as well as elsewhere around the world. It is very easy to grow and will do well in USDA Zones 7 and above.
  Package of 5 seeds $2.95
  Package of 25 seeds $6.95
TRZ090 Northern White Cedar ( Thuja occidentalis )

A medium to fairly large, very long-lived conifer widely distributed in temperate forests in northeastern North America with much-branched shoots that are covered in tiny, scalelike, fragrant evergreen leaves.
The relatively slender trunk rarely reaches more than 3 feet in diameter and has flaking, reddish-brown bark. Its is one of the most popular conifers in the temperate garden in USDA Zones 2 to 8 and much used for hedges and screens.
It has many medicinal applications and the wood is very rot resistant.
110g pack ( about 50 seeds ) $3.95
JB117 Korean Kousa Dogwood ( Cornus kousa )
A wonderful dogwood with so many uses and benefits, it has beautiful spring blossoms, great fall color, edible fruit that is showy and ornamental, and attractive bark. It can be grown as a lawn specimen, as a patio plant or sidewalk plant.
Kousa dogwood is an excellent small specimen tree for small lawns. Two outstanding characteristics are the four-petaled, white flowers that appear above the foliage in June and reddish-purple fall color. In the Midwest, this is a hardier substitute for the acid-loving flowering dogwood. The shallow root system will benefit with a layer of mulch to maintain a cool root environment.
Kousa Dogwoods are very showy for a long period of time as the flower bracts are showy longer than most flowers. They'll give you up to a month of display. The flowers precede the red fruit, which looks like a raspberry. Some people make jellies, jams and wine from the round red berries, or, leave the red colored fruit for birds! They'll be happy to snap them up for you without any fuss or muss.
best suited for zones 5-8.

Note: These seeds need to be cold stratified before sowing. We recommend using the Seedman's Cold Stratification Kits for cold stratification.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
  Package of 25 seeds $7.95
Image: By Liné1 (Personal picture taken with my IXUS 800 IS) [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY-SA 2.5], via Wikimedia Commons
TRZ042 Southern Flowering Dogwood ( Cornus florida )
Popular as a specimen or small grouping on residential property around homes, near patios or in lawns. Also effective in woodland, bird or native plant gardens.

Culture Light: Partial or broken shade is best, but flowering dogwood can tolerate full sun, too. It does best with some shade in the south and full sun in the north. Moisture: Established specimens are tolerant of normal dry periods, but will need supplemental watering during extreme droughts. Stress of any kind makes dogwoods susceptible to diseases.

Hardiness: USDA Zones 5-9.

Usage: Flowering dogwood is one of the most popular ornamental specimen trees in eastern North America. Use dogwood as a framing tree or as a background tree. They are excellent beneath large oaks or pines. Dogwoods are among the earliest springtime bloomers, brightening the landscape along with azaleas, spireas, forsythias and redbuds. With its dense crown, flowering dogwood provides good shade, and due to its small stature, it is useful in the smallest yards.
The wood of dogwood is very hard and has some value in the forest products trade for such things as commercial loom shuttles and spindles. In colonial (U.S.A.) times, a tea brewed from the bark was said to reduce fevers. Squirrels and birds devour the pretty red fruits.

Features: The graceful yet compact shape and brilliant springtime blooms make this a favorite landscape tree throughout its range. The flowering dogwood is just about the finest flowering tree you can find. It is beautiful in all seasons and even though it is nearly ubiquitous in home landscapes, it never seems to be overplanted.

Package of 10 seeds $2.95
D7861 White Flowering Dogwood ( Cornus alba )
Flowering dogwood is a small tree, up to 30' in height and 35' across, but the typical size is more like 15' tall and 15-20' across. It has a short trunk and a full, rounded crown with horizontal branches often in layered tiers, spreading wider than its height. The bark on mature trees is broken up into small square blocks. Flowering dogwood has opposite, deciduous midgreen leaves, 3-6" long, which turn red and purple in autumn. Flowering dogwood blooms in the spring, as its new leaves are unfolding, and usually remains showy for 2-3 weeks. The inflorescence consists of four showy petal-like bracts, usually snow white or pink, surrounding a cluster of tiny inconspicuous yellowish flowers. The bracts are 1-2" long and obovate in shape, usually with a cleft at the tip. Clusters of bright red football shaped fruits, about a half inch long, follow the flowers and often persist into winter.

Culture: Light: Partial or broken shade is best, but flowering dogwood can tolerate full sun, too. It does best with some shade in the south and full sun in the north. Moisture: Established specimens are tolerant of normal dry periods, but will need supplemental watering during extreme droughts. Stress of any kind makes dogwoods susceptible to diseases.

Hardiness: USDA Zones 5-9.

Usage: Flowering dogwood is one of the most popular ornamental specimen trees in eastern North America. Use dogwood as a framing tree or as a background tree. They are excellent beneath large oaks or pines. Dogwoods are among the earliest springtime bloomers, brightening the landscape along with azaleas, spireas, forsythias and redbuds. With its dense crown, flowering dogwood provides good shade, and due to its small stature, it is useful in the smallest yards.
The wood of dogwood is very hard and has some value in the forest products trade for such things as commercial loom shuttles and spindles. In colonial (U.S.A.) times, a tea brewed from the bark was said to reduce fevers. Squirrels and birds devour the pretty red fruits.

Features: The graceful yet compact shape and brilliant springtime blooms make this a favorite landscape tree throughout its range. The flowering dogwood is just about the finest flowering tree you can find. It is beautiful in all seasons and even though it is nearly ubiquitous in home landscapes, it never seems to be overplanted.

Note: These seeds need to be cold stratified before sowing. We recommend using the Seedman's Cold Stratification Kits for cold stratification.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
  Package of 25 seeds $5.95
Image: Forest & Kim Starr [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
D2261 Strawberry Guava ( Psidium cattleianum )
Can be grown indoors in containers or as a tree outdoors to 15 feet, in containers it will be limited to the size of the container. The fruits are very versatile. They can be eaten out of hand. Makes great juice, jelly, mousse, Guava butter and Guava pudding. Cold hardy to 25 degrees.
This guava does well in limestone and poor soils that would barely support other fruit trees. It is shallow-rooted but is fairly drought tolerant.
A delicious puree or tart-filling can be made by trimming and cooking 6 cups of red cattleys with 1 cup water and 2 cups granulated sugar and pressing through a sieve.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
  Package of 50 seeds $7.95
Image: By H. Zell [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikimedia Commons
D1711 Black Locust, False Acacia ( Robinia pseudoacacia )
Beautiful ornamental tree loaded with white fragrant flowers. Flowering occurs in the spring, when showy, fragrant, white to yellow flowers develop in 8 inch long clusters that bees and hummingbirds love.
An excellent shade tree with acacia type foliage that will mature at about 50 feet tall and 25 feet wide. Normally has thorny stickers. The fragrant flowers can be smelled for hundreds of feet in spring. This is a tree that grows well in poor soil and can be an aggressive grower in good soil, so probably best suited for areas you want to dress up or hide, and do not mind the suckering growth.
The bruised foliage mixed with sugar will attract and kill flies, a useful attribute.
Cannot ship to New York state. Grows well in zones 3-9.
 100 seeds $5.95
Image: By Tatiana Gerus from Brisbane, Australia [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
3451 African Wisteria Tree ( Bolusanthus speciousus )
In full bloom, Bolusanthus speciosus creates a display of unequalled splendor. This spectacular small to medium sized tree with graceful drooping branches, covers itself with trusses of fragrant, violet-blue flowers throughout spring and early summer.
Although it is deciduous, the Tree wisteria is only without leaves for a short time in early spring. The conspicuous dark, brownish black trunk, offsets the light green leaves and the magnificent flowers to perfection.
It is a protected species in South Africa which means that no wild specimens may be damaged, cut down or removed.

The unsurpassed beauty of the Tree wisteria as well as the non invasive root system makes this one of the most successful garden trees. Bolusanthus speciosus is perfect for enhancing any area where space is at a premium and is the perfect choice for townhouse gardens. This magnificent tree looks stunning in a mixed border to add colour and height or as a single specimen on a lawn or alongside a patio.
When planted in a group of 3 or 5 the effect is superb while an avenue of these lovely trees along a driveway or street is always a showstopper. When planted in large pots the Tree wisteria creates a stunning focal point for patios and paved areas. This tree is very popular with Bonsai enthusiasts.
The beautiful, hard wood of Bolusanthus speciosus is used to make excellent quality furniture and household articles. Being termite resistant, the straight stems are used for fence posts. Both the roots and parts of the bark are used medicinally to treat ailments such as various stomach problems and abdominal cramps.
Winter Hardiness: 25-30°F

  Package of 5 seeds $3.95
  Package of 25 seeds $12.95
TRZ034 Maki Yew Pine ( Podocarpus macrophyllus Maki )
Perfect for framing an entryway, for large patio containers, or anywhere a tall, narrow-growing specimen is required.
This tough plant thrives in the most adverse conditions, tolerating a wide range of light exposures and soils.
A moderately slow-growing, large evergreen shrub with a strongly-columnar growth habit to 8-12' tall x 4-5' wide. Can be pruned into a small tree. This popular and useful variety features dense-growing medium to deep-green foliage that takes very well to shearing, making it an ideal selection for use as a hedge, screen, background, column or topiary.
Perfect for framing an entryway, for large patio containers, or anywhere a tall, narrow-growing specimen is required. Prefers a neutral to slightly-acidic loamy soil, as clay soils will tend to produce a weaker, less aesthetically-pleasing specimen. Thrives in a partial to full sun exposure.
Zones 7b-11.
  5 seeds $2.95
Image: Wikimedia
D7874 Giant Sequoia ( Sequoia gigantea )
Old trees of this species are said to be the largest living organisms on this planet, however, before you can stand under one of these massive, awe-inspiring giants of your own, unfortunately you would have to wait at least several hundred years.
The good news is that Sequoiadendron is fast growing and even the young trees are very attractive, with a highly symmetrical, conical crown, and perhaps much better suited to gardens with limited space available. The giant sequoia is native to the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada in central California, between 3000 and 8900 feet, where sizable groves of it are found in a mixed coniferous forest with several other giant species. The oldest living trees have an age of just under 3000 years, a height of nearly 300 feet and a base diameter of 33 feet.
It is easy to grow from seed, which needs cold stratification for about a month, and suited to most temperate climates from USDA zones 6 to 8. The wood is highly rot-resistant and Sequoiadendron has potential as a commercial timber tree but is not frequently planted for this purpose. It is a very popular ornamental tree however.
  15 seeds $2.95
  50 seeds $5.95
Photo: Liné1 / CC BY-SA
JM219 Cedar of Lebanon ( Cedrus libani )
Back in stock! A mature cedar of Lebanon is a stately and picturesque evergreen conifer. It has a massive (sometimes forked) trunk, very wide-spreading horizontal branches (the lower ones often kissing the ground), and a crown of flat tiers, like table tops.
Although it can get more than 100' tall with an equal spread from its strong limbs, most specimens in cultivation can be expected to top out around 50-70'. In youth the tree is conical and symmetrical. The leaves, about an inch long, are stiff and 4-angled, and arranged in dense clusters on short shoots. The cones are barrel shaped, 3-5" long and held erect, a characteristic of the true cedars (genus Cedrus).
Cedar of Lebanon is very similar to (and very closely related to) Atlas cedar (C. atlantica), and some authorities consider them to be just subspecies in the same species. Michael Dirr, the famous authority on landscape trees from the University of Georgia, says Atlas cedar has a taller, less flattened crown, less densely arranged branchlets, and smaller cones (2-3" long) than cedar of Lebanon.

Location: Cedar of Lebanon is named for the famous forests that grow in Lebanon. The species also occurs in Turkey and Syria. Var. stenocoma is native to southern Turkey.
Culture: The cedars grow well in acidic sands and in thin soils over limestone; pH doesn't matter. Good drainage is essential, however. Cedar of Lebanon has a tendency to produce multiple leaders and the grower may wish to prune out the weaker shoots; do this in autumn. These are slow growing trees.
Light: Young trees can grow in partial shade but will eventually need full sun to realize their potential.
Moisture: Cedar of Lebanon occurs naturally where there is very little summer rainfall, and is quite tolerant of drought. It can thrive where annual precipitation is no more than 15", but it also does well where 80" of annual precipitation is the norm.
Hardiness: USDA Zones 6 - 9.
Usage: The cedars make majestic specimen trees for parks, estates and larger lawns. A mature cedar of Lebanon, especially one with multiple leaders, will be as wide as it is tall, and a truly picturesque specimen.
Features: The taxonomy of the genus Cedrus is debated by the botanists. Depending on who you believe, you can recognize one, two or four species. The splitters recognize Cyprus cedar (Cedrus brevifolia), cedar of Lebanon, deodar cedar (C. deodar), and Atlas cedar. Germination: 30-50%.

  Package of 25 seeds $7.95
 Package of 100 seeds $18.95
TRZ105 Norway Spruce ( Picea mariana )
Evergreen tree for large lawns, parks or woodland areas. Effective screen or windbreak in cold northern climates. It can grow to over 100 feet tall in it's native habitat, but usually grows to about 50 feet or so in the USA.
It has branchlets that typically hang downwards, and the largest cones of any spruce, 3 to 7 inches long. The Norway spruce has a wide distribution for it being planted for its wood, and is the species used as the main Christmas tree in several countries around the world.
Norway Spruce Tree can grow to a large height in as little as three years. It will continue to grow rapidly to a mature height of 50 feet. And since it's a dense tree that easily blocks out wind and neighbors, it's ideal for use as a privacy barrier, windscreen, or even a traditional showpiece.
For zones 2-7.
 15mg Package ( about 20 seeds ) $2.95
 100 seeds $9.95
3329 River She Oak ( Casuarina equisetifolia )
Also known as Hosretail She Oak. This is a small tree growing to perhaps 20 feet in its natural environment with a pendulous, drooping, normally open habit. Flowers are inconspicuous but these trees come in male and female forms and in spring the male trees can take on an attractive rusty hew from their pollen.
Fruit is a cone to about an inch in length. Used extensively as a seaside street or park planting this species is wind firm, salt tolerant and nitrogen fixing and consequently it is particularly useful in areas of poor sandy soil where it is a valuable windbreak and soil binder.
They are very hardy trees, drought tolerant but are not frost tolerant to any real degree so are best suited to warmer mediteranean or sub to fully tropical areas, we have seen in survive in zone 9.
This species also makes an excellent bonsai subject. Easy to propagate from seed and it can be grown in pots, tubs or indoors as a houseplant in colder climates.
 18mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $3.95
Image: By H. Zell from Wikimedia Commons
2121 Oregon Grape ( Mahonia aquifolium )
This is a very beautiful and useful evergreen shrub. It's upright stems and coarse leaves form an irregular mound up to 8' tall. As the bush matures, it sends out additional stems to form a clump up to 6' wide. The bluish green leaves are coarse and spiny and resemble holly. The compound leaves are radially arranged at the end of each stem. Bright yellow flowers appear atop the stem in spring.
Location: Oregon grape holly is native from the northwestern United States on into Canada. It is widely grown as an ornamental.
Culture: Light: Needs shady conditions, hot direct sun will burn leaves. Moisture: Likes moist soil high in organic material, but adaptable. Hardiness: USDA Zones 5-9. Propagation: Clumps can be divided.
Usage: This plant thrives in shady areas where selection of plants is limited. Can be used in entry ways and under roof eaves if adequate moisture is maintained. Looks great under a canopy of pine along with azaleas and camellias. Can also be used as an outdoor container plant.
Features: The bright yellow flowers are beautiful against the lustrous blue green leaves. The bright blue berries on dark red stems are even more striking. The grape like berries can be made into jelly.
Oregon Grape Jelly Recipe.
  385mg ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
  4g ( about 500 seeds ) $19.95
3352 Fragrant False Indigo ( Amorpha nana )
A compact erect shrub with green foliage. Leaves are alternate, odd-pinnate up to 1-4 inches long. The fragrant pink flowers appear in May through July.
The pink flowers have a delightful honey fragrance. Excellent container plant for use as a fragrant houseplant, and does well outside in almost all soils, drought tolerant.
Perennial. Hardy outside to zone 3.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
  Package of 50 seeds $7.95
JF946 Yellow Elder ( Yellow Trumpetbush ) ( Tecoma stans var. stans )
Yellow elder grows as a densely branched shrub or small tree and gets its common name from its superficial resemblance of its foliage to that of elderberry (Sambucus canadensis).
It has bright green opposite leaves, 2-3 inches long with sharply toothed edges. The smooth squarish twigs are green, turning tan or reddish tan as they age. The bark on the main trunk is light brown and becomes corky with age.
The 1-2 inch sunshine yellow flowers are trumpet shaped. They hang in showy clusters at the branch tips and forks, bending the twigs into arches with their weight. There are two folds along the bottom of the flower's throat and several delicate rust-red lines decorating the interior. The blooms appear in flushes throughout the growing season.
They are followed by 4-8 inch long stringbean-like pods that hang in vertical clusters. These turn brown and split open to release flat oblong 1/4 inch seeds with transparent 1/4 inch wings on each end.
Common yellow elder is a Central and South American tree that grows to 25 ft. It has bright yellow flowers and dense, lushly green foliage that is evergreen in tropical climates, but deciduous in chillier places.
Yellow elder will grow on a wide variety of soils, including sand and limerock. The plants can be cut to the ground for rejuvenation in the early spring or carefully sheared during the growing season to control shape and size and promote new flushes of flowers.
This species needs full sun. Yellow elder likes well drained soil. Potted plants should be given minimal water when not in active growth. Hardiness: USDA Zones 7 - 11. Freeze tolerance varies dramatically, with some forms able to survive temperatures down to around 10 degrees and others severely injured by only a few degrees of frost.
Yellow elder is typically deciduous and may freeze back or have a rather awkward shape, so it is best set among more consistent shrubs where it can contribute color to a border or screen. The yellow blooms are spectacular behind blue agave. Since this species drops its abundant blossoms before they wither, it can advantageously be placed where the fallen blossoms will form a pool of gold on the ground. Nurserymen say yellow elder sells best when marketed as a flowering shrub in a 1-3 gal pot and promoted as a tropical patio plant.
Yellow elder has been used for a variety of purposes in herbal medicine. Its primary applications have been in treating diabetes and digestive problems. Extracts from Tecoma stans leaves have been found to inhibit the growth of the yeast infection, Candida albicans. Yellow elder also contains several compounds noted for their catnip-like effects on felines.
 10mg ( about 10 or more seeds ) $2.95
Image: By Chhe [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons
D1708 Kentucky Coffee Tree ( Gymnocladus dioica )
A large shade tree with long leaves that are pinkish in spring, green in summer and yellow in fall. The seeds can be roasted and eaten like nuts or made into a coffee substitute, however it should be noted that unroasted seeds may be toxic, so seeds must be roasted.
In addition to use as a food, the seeds of Kentucky coffee tree were used by Native Americans for ceremonial and recreational purposes. Seeds were used as dice in games of chance that were common in eastern tribes. The seeds were also used in jewelry.
It has been noted that the bruised foliage when sprinkled with sweetened water will attract and kill flies. Can be raised in containers when young.
Zones: 3 to 8.
  Package of 3 seeds $2.00
  Package of 15 seeds $7.95
Image: By noebse [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons
3528 Incense Cedar ( Cedrus deodara )
Also known as Deodar Cedar, it is a large stately conifer with horizontal spreading branches and a conical shape. It can grow to 150 ft (45.7 m) tall with a 40 ft (12.2 m) spread at ground level. More typically, though, they stay less than 50 ft (15.2 m) tall but specimens in their native range have been found more than 200 ft (61 m) tall! Lower branches bend gracefully downward and then up again. Branchlets are densely pubescent and droop downward at the tips. The stiff, needle-like leaves are about 2 in (5.1 cm) long and borne in dense whorls of 20-30 per cluster.
The bluish green female cones are 3-5 in (7.6-12.7 cm) long and egg shaped. After two years they shatter and release little seeds with papery wings. The bark is dark brown to nearly black, smooth on young trees and becoming fissured with age.
Deodar is native to the Himalayas, where it grows at elevations of 3,500 to 12,000 ft (1,067-3,658 m) above sea level.
Deodar is fairly fast growing for the first decade or two, growing as high as 30 ft (9.1 m) in its first 10 years. It is a long-lived and troublefree tree in most areas. Deodar needs neutral to alkaline soil.
Light: Full sun. (In whose shade is a 200 ft (61 m) tree going to grow?)
Moisture: Once established, deodar is drought tolerant.
Hardiness: USDA Zones 7 - 9.
Most cultivars of deodar will grow into large and handsome specimen trees that need plenty of room. Use these in the back of a large landscape so they can be seen in their entirety. From a distance, deodar is dense and plumose, with a fine texture, and the tip of the tree seems to wave in the breeze. Some cultivars are smaller and more shrublike. With proper pruning most deodars can be maintained as bushy shrubs.
  Package of 5 seeds $2.95
Image: By Jebulon [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons
AW84 English Yew ( Taxus baccata )
Taxus baccata is a conifer native to western, central and southern Europe, northwest Africa, northern Iran and southwest Asia.
A very useful tree for hedging and topiary. Can be closely trimmed. Must have well drained soil. If let go without trimming, can become a very large bush. One of the few plants which will flourish under Beech and is remarkably tolerant of shade. Yew is poisonous to stock including man but deer have been known to eat it without ill effect. Average annual growth of 20 cm. Zone 6-9.
It is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree, growing 10-20 m tall, exceptionally up to 28 m. It is relatively slow growing, but can be very long-lived, with the maximum recorded trunk diameter of 4 m probably only being reached in around 2,000-4,000 years. Taxus baccata is the oldest plant in Europe.
It has thin scaly brown bark. The leaves are lanceolate, flat, dark green, 1-4 cm long and 2-3 mm broad, arranged spirally on the stem, but with the leaf bases twisted to align the leaves in two flat rows either side of the stem except on erect leading shoots where the spiral arrangement is more obvious.
The seed cones are highly modified, each cone containing a single seed 4-7 mm long partly surrounded by a modified scale which develops into a soft, bright red berry-like structure called an aril, 8-15 mm long and wide and open at the end. The arils are mature 6-9 months after pollination, and with the seed contained are eaten by thrushes, waxwings and other birds, which disperse the hard seeds undamaged in their droppings; maturation of the arils is spread over 2-3 months, increasing the chances of successful seed dispersal. The male cones are globose, 3-6 mm diameter, and shed their pollen in early spring. It is mostly dioecious, but occasional individuals can be variably monoecious, or change sex with time.
All parts of the tree are highly toxic, except the bright red aril surrounding the seed, enabling ingestion and dispersal by birds.
In the ancient Celtic world, the yew tree (*eburos) had extraordinary importance; a passage by Caesar narrates that Catuvolcus, chief of the Eburones, virtually "sons of the yew", poisoned himself with yew rather than submit to Rome (Gallic Wars 6: 31). Similarly, Florus notes that when the Cantabrians were under siege by the legate Gaius Furnius in 22 BC, most of them took their lives either by the sword or by fire or by a poison extracted ex arboribus taxeis, that is, from the yew tree (2: 33, 50-51). In a similar way, Orosius notes that when the Astures were besieged at Mons Medullius, they prefered to die by their own swords or by the yew tree poison rather than surrender (6, 21, 1.). In Hispania, Prudentius (Contra Simacum 2: 1005-1011) and Martin of Braga in Visigothic times (De correctione rusticorum 8) denounced the fact that the Hispanic country folk still worshipped trees and sacred stones (Simón 2005).
Yew is also associated with Wales because of the longbow, an early weapon of war, developed in Wales. Yew is the wood of choice for longbow making and the bows are constructed so that the heartwood of yew is on the inside of the bow while the sapwood is on the outside. This takes advantage of the natural properties of yew wood since the heartwood is able to withstand compression while the sapwood is elastic and allows the bow to stretch. Both tend to return to their original straightness when the arrow is released.
The chemotherapy drug docetaxel is derived from Taxus baccata.
3g pack ( about 45-50 ) seeds $7.95
Image: Wikimedia
D2225 Russian Mulberry Tree ( Morus Alba )
Commonly called white mulberry, this is native to China. It is a rounded, fast-growing, deciduous tree that typically grows to 30-50' tall and as wide. It usually develops a wide-spreading crown with age. The leaves of this tree have been used in China since at least 2600 B.C. as the primary diet for silkworms used to make silk. Trees were introduced into North America in colonial times in an effort to establish a silk industry. Although the industry never took hold, the trees did take hold and have over time escaped cultivation and naturalized in fields, waste areas, forest margins and along roads throughout much of the U.S.
This tree has also been planted in various areas for erosion control and windbreaks. White mulberry is usually dioecious (separate male and female trees), but sometimes is monoecious. Small yellowish-green flowers in drooping catkins bloom in spring (March-April). Fertilized flowers on female trees are followed by sweet, edible blackberry-like fruits (cylindrical drupes to 1" long) that mature in June. Fruits ripen to white or pink, but sometimes to darker reds or purple-blacks. Fruits are loved by birds.
Best suited for zones 4-9.
 75mg Package ( about 40-50 seeds ) $2.95
 250 seeds $5.95
D2249 Carob Tree ( Ceratonia )
Ceratonia siliqua, commonly known as the carob tree, St John's-bread, or locust bean is a species of flowering evergreen shrub or tree in the pea family, Fabaceae.
It is widely cultivated for its edible pods, and as an ornamental tree in gardens. The ripe, dried pod is often ground to carob powder, which is used to replace cocoa powder. Carob bars, an alternative to chocolate bars, are often available in health-food stores.
Carob consumed by humans is the dried (and sometimes roasted) pod. The pod consists of two main parts: the pulp accounts for 90% and the seeds for 10% of the pod weight.
Carob is mildly sweet and is used in powdered, chip or syrup form as an ingredient in cakes and cookies, and as a substitute for chocolate. Carob bars are widely available in health food stores. A traditional sweet, eaten during Lent and Good Friday, is also made from carob pods in Malta. Dried carob fruit is traditionally eaten on the Jewish holiday of Tu Bishvat.
While chocolate contains levels of theobromine which are toxic to some mammals, carob contains significantly less caffeine and theobromine, and is therefore used to make chocolate-flavored treats for dogs.
Carob pod meal is used as an energy-rich feed for livestock, particularly for ruminants, though its high tannin content may limit its use. Carob pods were mainly used as animal fodder in the Maltese Islands, apart from times of famine or war when they formed part of the diet of many Maltese. In the Iberian Peninsula, carob pods were used to feed donkeys.
The carob tree is native to the Mediterranean region, including Southern Europe, Northern Africa, the larger Mediterranean islands; to the Levant and Middle-East of Western Asia into Iran; and to the Canary Islands and Macaronesia.
Carob trees may be grown in USDA zones 9-11.
  Package of 5 seeds $2.95
  Package of 25 seeds $6.95
Image: By Juni from Kyoto, Japan (Flickr.com - image description page) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
3385 Tea Olive ( Osmanthus fragrans )
Tea olive has deliciously fragrant flowers that smell a lot like those of fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus), which is in the same family. Tea olive is a traditional element in the southern garden landscape and a whiff of its scent carried on a cool winter breeze makes a memorable impression.
Tea olive is a large upright shrub that can reach 20 ft (6.1 m) tall and 6-8 ft (1.8-2.4 m) wide, but is usually seen in landscapes at 6-10 ft (1.8-3.1 m) high. The opposite leaves are a dark, shiny green and the edges may be finely toothed or smooth with both types present on the same individual. As the plant matures, most of the foliage is held at the outermost ends of the stems, but the plant retains a handsome appearance despite the legginess. In autumn, winter and early spring white flowers cover the shrub. It also blooms sporadically throughout the summer.
Individually the blossoms are small and inconspicuous, but the fragrance is powerful and exquisite.
Tea olive is rather slow growing and is usually quite long lived. Tea olive prefers reasonably good soil, but is adaptable except in the poorest, sandy soil. May be pruned to maintain size and encourage branching, but thrives equally well with neglect. Tea olives are sometimes attacked by scale insects, but usually only when growing conditions are poor. Light: Sun to partial shade; morning sun with afternoon shade, or high, shifting shade is ideal.
Plant tea olives where their lovely fragrance can be enjoyed! Situate a tea olive wherever there is foot traffic near windows or doors and in outdoor sitting areas. Incorporate tea olive into foundation plantings at the corners or use as an accent between windows. A row of tea olive makes a very attractive hedge or screen. In areas where it is tender, grow tea olive as a container specimen so it can be protected indoors in winter.
USDA Zones 8 to 10.
 10 seeds $2.95
Image: By Stan Shebs
3643 Desert Willow ( Chilopsis linearis )
Desert willow, Chilopsis linearis is a large deciduous shrub or small tree. Hummingbirds love this plant when in bloom and will hang around it most of the summer. Its willow like, long, narrow leaves and growth along desert washes give the desert willow its name.
The Penstemon like flowers are fragrant, pink to lavender. They appear in May and keep coming until September or frost. Likes moderate water and sun. Does best inland and in desert.
This is a great plant for a bird garden, rock garden, xeriscape or lawn specimen. Best suited for zones 6-10.
 50mg pack ( about 10 or more seeds ) $2.95
 100 seeds $7.95
Credit: Calpoly.edu
TRZ035 Bronze Loquat ( Eriobotrya deflexa )
Here is a lovely tree that has everything going for it, everything that is except cold hardiness. This is one of the more tropical loquats and is even more limited in range than its better known cousin, the Japanese loquat, or Eriobotrya japonica. But the lack of cold tolerance may not be too big of a problem if it is kept in mind that Bronze loquat is small enough for pot culture or could be accommodated in most greenhouses and its assets are so excellent that its more than worth the extra effort. And for those who live in warm weather areas such as the southern USA, then this is a must-have garden treasure.
Bronze loquat has a neat habit and compact growth making it an ideal specimen or patio tree, or even street tree since it can be grown beneath power lines. It also blends well into a shrub border and can be espaliered against a south facing wall.
Bronze loquat only reaches a height of 15 to 20 feet with a 10 to 15 foot spread if grown in full sun. Its chief asset is the large, heavily textured, evergreen leaves, which, when emerging in spring, are bright red-bronze and burnished copper. And they maintain this color for a considerable period of time before eventually turning a rich dark green for summer.
In addition to the striking foliar display there are small, white flowers, produced on showy panicles in spring. The flowers are also fragrant and will perfume your garden for weeks. These are followed by small fruits, similar to the Japanese loquat but not as palatable, though the wildlife will appreciate them.
Bronze loquat should be well watered until established, but can then survive periodic droughts. It should not be over fertilized since this may increase the risk of fire blight. Other than that it is quite healthy and maintenance free. It is a great choice for warm winter areas or the conservatory.
Zones 9-11.
 5 seeds $3.95
Image: By Andrew Gray [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], from Wikimedia Commons
B1719 European Hornbeam ( Carpinus betulus )
A low maintenance tree that can be used as a hedge, shade tree, lawn or street tree. It has showy flowers in spring and good colored leaves in fall. Grows in most soils and tolerates air pollution well.
A medium-sized, deciduous tree that grows 40-60' tall with a pyramidal to oval-rounded crown. Ovate, sharply-toothed, dark green leaves (to 5" long) are clean and attractive throughout the growing season. Foliage turns yellow to orange in fall.
Fruits are small nutlets that appear in drooping 5" long clusters in summer. Trunks have smooth gray bark and distinctive muscle-like fluting.
For zones 4-8.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
  Package of 50 seeds $7.95
FA01 Gardenia ( Gardenia Jasminodes )
Also know as Cape Jasimine, native to China, Gardenia's evoke images of exotic, sweet-scented flowers and soft, island breezes. Glossy, dark green leaves provide a luxuriant backdrop to heavily-scented, double, creamy-white blooms. Grown in dappled shade, Gardenia's like well amended and well drained ( 5-6 pH ) acid soil and will reach a height of 4-6 feet. Blooms are long lasting and are ideal for cut flowers. Hardy to 20 F. and in zones 8-10.
 50mg Package ( about 15 seeds ) $2.95
 100 seeds $7.95
Image: By Photo by David J. Stang [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
B1708 Incense Cedar ( Calocedrus decurrens )

A small pyramidal shaped cedar that is prized for its very fragrant leaves and wood. Easy to start from seeds. A very beautiful bonsai specimen. Incense cedar is an evergreen tree with a skinny, columnar shape in youth, becoming only a little more rounded at maturity. In its native habitat it can get as large as 150 ft (45.7 m) tall with a trunk diameter of 6 ft (1.8 m). In these very large trees, the long straight trunk is swollen and buttressed at the base and usually free of branches for half its length.
Incense cedar does best on well-drained, slightly acidic sandy loams in cool, mountainous areas. Outside its natural range it tends to stay smaller and bushier. Even under ideal conditions, incense cedar is a slow growing tree. But, it can live 1000 years or more. Grows in full sun or part shade. Incense cedar needs lots of moisture to realize its full potential as a large tree. If it gets less water than ideal it will survive, but remain as a smaller, bushy, but still attractive specimen. Hardiness: USDA Zones 6 - 8. Incense cedar does quite well in zones 7 and 8, but usually doesn't get as large as it does up north. Propagation: Incense cedar is difficult, but not impossible, to propagate from cuttings.
The generic name means "beautiful cedar", and that it is. The tall, columnar incense cedar is a handsome specimen for framing a formal landscape. A line of them, like soldiers at attention, adds a formal dimension to driveways and makes a great windbreak or tall screen.
 500mg Package ( about 15 seeds ) $3.95
Image: By User:katpatuka [FAL], from Wikimedia Commons
D1717 Osage Orange ( Maclura )
A fast growing shrub often grown as a hedge. Pretty foliage with greenish flowers. Good as a background or border plant.
Recent research suggests that elemol, another component extractable from the fruit, shows promise as a mosquito repellent with similar activity to DEET in contact and residual repellency. Notes:The Osage-orange is commonly used as a tree row windbreak in prairie states, which gives it one of its colloquial names, "hedge apple". It was one of the primary trees used in President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's "Great Plains Shelterbelt" WPA project, which was launched in 1934 as an ambitious plan to modify weather and prevent soil erosion in the Great Plains states, and by 1942 resulted in the planting of 30,233 shelterbelts containing 220 million trees that stretched for 18,600 miles (29,900 km). The sharp-thorned trees were also planted as cattle-deterring hedges before the introduction of barbed wire and afterward became an important source of fence posts. The heavy, close-grained yellow-orange wood is very dense and is prized for tool handles, treenails, fence posts, electrical insulators, and other applications requiring a strong dimensionally stable wood that withstands rot. Straight-grained osage timber (most is knotty and twisted) makes very good bows. In Arkansas, in the early 19th century, a good Osage bow was worth a horse and a blanket. Additionally, a yellow-orange dye can be extracted from the wood, which can be used as a substitute for fustic and aniline dyes. When dried, the wood has the highest BTU content of any wood, and burns long and hot. Today, the fruit is sometimes used to deter spiders, cockroaches, boxelder bugs, crickets, fleas, and other arthropods.
Leaves turn bright yellow in fall, thorny branches, bears inedible round fruit 3-5" in diameter. The fruit is prized for it's ability to repel insects and spiders when scattered around home foundations. The crushed fruits of this plant are said to attract and kill cockroaches. Can be raised as container plant in northern states.
The wood is sought after for recurve bow making. Both male and female plants are needed to produce fruit. The ratio of male/female plants the seeds produce is up to mother nature, but a pack of 10 seeds always produces a mix of male/female plants in all of our previous field trials. Can be grown in zones 4-9.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
  Package of 50 seeds $7.95
Image: By Taken byfir0002 | flagstaffotos.com.auCanon 20D + Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 - Own work, GFDL 1.2, Link
D1164 Golden Mimosa ( Acacia baileyana )
Australia. Small graceful tree well adapted to growing inside. Has such a profusion of beautiful flowers that they seem to cover the entire plant. Cold hardy to 18 degrees outside.
  Package of 5 seeds $2.95
  Package of 50 seeds $12.95
Image: By User:katpatuka [FAL], from Wikimedia Commons
D1717 Osage Orange ( Maclura )
A fast growing shrub often grown as a hedge. Pretty foliage with greenish flowers. Good as a background or border plant.
Recent research suggests that elemol, another component extractable from the fruit, shows promise as a mosquito repellent with similar activity to DEET in contact and residual repellency. Notes:The Osage-orange is commonly used as a tree row windbreak in prairie states, which gives it one of its colloquial names, "hedge apple". It was one of the primary trees used in President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's "Great Plains Shelterbelt" WPA project, which was launched in 1934 as an ambitious plan to modify weather and prevent soil erosion in the Great Plains states, and by 1942 resulted in the planting of 30,233 shelterbelts containing 220 million trees that stretched for 18,600 miles (29,900 km). The sharp-thorned trees were also planted as cattle-deterring hedges before the introduction of barbed wire and afterward became an important source of fence posts. The heavy, close-grained yellow-orange wood is very dense and is prized for tool handles, treenails, fence posts, electrical insulators, and other applications requiring a strong dimensionally stable wood that withstands rot. Straight-grained osage timber (most is knotty and twisted) makes very good bows. In Arkansas, in the early 19th century, a good Osage bow was worth a horse and a blanket. Additionally, a yellow-orange dye can be extracted from the wood, which can be used as a substitute for fustic and aniline dyes. When dried, the wood has the highest BTU content of any wood, and burns long and hot. Today, the fruit is sometimes used to deter spiders, cockroaches, boxelder bugs, crickets, fleas, and other arthropods.
Leaves turn bright yellow in fall, thorny branches, bears inedible round fruit 3-5" in diameter. The fruit is prized for it's ability to repel insects and spiders when scattered around home foundations. The crushed fruits of this plant are said to attract and kill cockroaches. Can be raised as container plant in northern states.
The wood is sought after for recurve bow making. Both male and female plants are needed to produce fruit. The ratio of male/female plants the seeds produce is up to mother nature, but a pack of 10 seeds always produces a mix of male/female plants in all of our previous field trials. Can be grown in zones 4-9.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
  Package of 50 seeds $7.95
Image: By Photo by David J. Stang [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
B1708 Incense Cedar ( Calocedrus decurrens )

A small pyramidal shaped cedar that is prized for its very fragrant leaves and wood. Easy to start from seeds. A very beautiful bonsai specimen. Incense cedar is an evergreen tree with a skinny, columnar shape in youth, becoming only a little more rounded at maturity. In its native habitat it can get as large as 150 ft (45.7 m) tall with a trunk diameter of 6 ft (1.8 m). In these very large trees, the long straight trunk is swollen and buttressed at the base and usually free of branches for half its length.
Incense cedar does best on well-drained, slightly acidic sandy loams in cool, mountainous areas. Outside its natural range it tends to stay smaller and bushier. Even under ideal conditions, incense cedar is a slow growing tree. But, it can live 1000 years or more. Grows in full sun or part shade. Incense cedar needs lots of moisture to realize its full potential as a large tree. If it gets less water than ideal it will survive, but remain as a smaller, bushy, but still attractive specimen. Hardiness: USDA Zones 6 - 8. Incense cedar does quite well in zones 7 and 8, but usually doesn't get as large as it does up north. Propagation: Incense cedar is difficult, but not impossible, to propagate from cuttings.
The generic name means "beautiful cedar", and that it is. The tall, columnar incense cedar is a handsome specimen for framing a formal landscape. A line of them, like soldiers at attention, adds a formal dimension to driveways and makes a great windbreak or tall screen.
  Package of 5 seeds $2.95
  Package of 25 seeds $7.95
Image: By Supermicio [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], from Wikimedia Commons
3182 Firethorn ( Pyracantha coccinea )
Firethorn is a large, evergreen shrub that is cherished for its spectacular fall and winter display of scarlet fruits and ability to withstand dry and droughty conditions. Shooting long lanky stems in all directions, firethorn typically grows into a tangled mound up to 10 ft (3.1 m) in height and 12 ft (3.7 m) wide. It is armed with sharp thorns that hide among the dark, glossy green leaves.

Clusters (corymbs) of small white flowers appear in spring. These are up to 2 in (5 cm) across and are borne close together creating the appearance of nearly solid surface of flowers. In fall the 1/4 in (0.6 cm) berries begin to ripen, their color mellowing from green to shades of red, orange, or yellow. These persist through winter and into early spring depending on climate and appetite of the local bird population. Under bright sunny conditions the berries are plentiful but expect smaller crops in shadier situations. The color of both leaves and berries tends to be darker in cooler climates.

Culture: Not particular about soil and requires little or no supplemental fertilization.
Light: Full sun preferred but will grow in partial to fairly heavy shade. Flowering and fruiting will not be as heavy.
Moisture: Moist to very dry, well drained soil. Hardiness: Zones 5 - 9.
Usage: Pyracantha is often used as an espalier. Held flat against a wall, it can be shaped quite creatively. Because of its fast growth rate, sprawling, spreading habit, and ease of care, it can be used on slopes to great advantage requiring little maintenance or care. The wide-reaching stems may be pruned back as needed during warm weather as the shrub blooms on old wood. Even consider using it as an informal hedge! This will require some trimming and shaping for the first few years but the effort will produce impressively beautiful and secure (thorny) hedges.

Landscapers love the firethorns for their fast rate of growth and ability to withstand drought and neglect. The shrubs ruggedness and disease and pest resistance makes this plant a very popular item in commercial landscapes.

  Package of 100 seeds, $5.95
  Package of 500 seeds $8.95