Baby's Breath Seeds

Annual Baby's Breath is one of the very easiest flowers to grow from seeds, and it gives so much beauty and complements other flowers so nicely in the flower garden. Baby's Breath is an annual, so it grows quickly, blooms heavily, and dies.
Many gardeners plant Baby's Breath seeds successively every 2 - 3 weeks to keep a continuous supply of color in the garden and blooms for cutting to make flower arrangements.
Baby's Breath plants are fairly hardy, tolerating some drought and light shade. It does well everywhere, coastal areas to high elevations; it is widely adaptable.
Useful gardening information
Average Germ Time: 10 - 20 days
Light Required: Yes
Depth: 1/16 inch
Sowing Rate: 6 - 8 seeds per plant
Moisture: Keep moist until germination
Plant Spacing: 10 inches

Links to useful information on the web:
How to grow Baby's Breath

W265 Rose Baby's Breath ( Gypsophila repens )
Dwarf, trailing plant with tiny flowers, for border or rockery, "walk on" good groundcover plant for rocky slopes and eyesore hills. Grows about 6" tall. Hardy to zone 6.
 85mg ( about 200 seeds per pack ) $2.95

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