Citronella Balm Seeds

Useful gardening information
Barely cover the tiny seeds. Use a sterilized potting soil, and keep watering to an absolute minimum , just enough to keep the medium from drying out. Germination takes 10-14 days. Once seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant at a spacing of 18?into the garden or 3 seedlings per 6" pot if grown inside or as a pation plant. Germination in 10-14 days
IP184 Citronella Balm ( Melissa officinalis Citronella )
We love this herb! Simply crush a handful of the leaves for a burst of citronella fragrance and rub on exposed skin to deter pesky mosquitoes and gnats.
Citronella balm is a hardy perennial for Zones 5-9. It is more compact and more mildew resistant than the common lemon balm and grows 12 to 18 inches tall in ideal conditions.
The leaves are bright green and about 2 inches long with toothed edges. Although citronella balm is a member of the mint family, it is a less aggressive spreader. To the casual glance the leaves resemble spearmint leaves, probably why it's sometimes misidentified as lemon mint.
As with lemon balm, citronella balm is a favorite of bees. The botanical name "Melissa" is derived from the Greek word for bee.
Easily grown as a window sill or patio plant, it does very well in containers.
 22mg pack ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
 Bulk 264mg pack ( about 600 seeds ) $14.95

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