Hosta Seeds

Useful gardening information
Growing Hosta Elegans seeds is a simple procedure. Hosta seeds sprout nicely indoors, under normal house conditions, with temperatures running 60-70°F. Use a "peaty" starter mix and just lightly cover the seed with peat moss.
Keep the seed moist but not saturated until germination. Sow seeds 8-10 weeks before frost season ends. Hosta care includes keeping the plant moist throughout the hot months of the summer. As a rule, they need 1 inch of water every week.

TWT264 American Way Hybrids
This Hosta mix makes a wonderful addition to the shady flower bed with their mix of foliage colors, including bi-colors, and textures. They are perfect for shady borders, around trees, and beds, and the varieties in this mix represent some of the newest and best in Hosta breeding today. Hosta plants are a carefree choice for the shade garden, offering crisp, fresh bold color right up until frost.
 50 seeds $12.95

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