Agrimony Seeds

Also known as common agrimony, church steeples, cocklebur, philantopos, and sticklewort.

Agrimony is an herb in the rose family found near hedges and fences throughout England. Bearing yellow flowers with egg-shaped petals on spikes emanating from hairy stems, agrimony exudes a distinctive, pleasant scent that is often compared to apricots but isn't as sweet.
During the Elizabethan period herbalists began referring to the plant as philanthropos, perhaps because of its beneficent properties as a medicine, or perhaps because its seeds stick to the clothing of passers by, giving them the "gift" of next year's plants.

Useful gardening information
The seeds must be sown out doors on open ground, in the early spring. Germination of the seeds can be speeded up by storing the seeds in damp soil within the refrigerator for six weeks prior to planting. Agrimony will propagate by self seeding, once it has become established in the soil.

Links to useful information on the web:
Agrimony uses

HR101 Agrimony ( Agrimonia eupatoria )
Dried plant, ground, used in teas. Leaves, stems and flowers produce yellow dye. The plant is found abundantly throughout England, on hedge-banks and the sides of fields, in dry thickets and on all waste places. In Scotland it is much more local and does not penetrate very far northward. Agrimony has an old reputation as a popular, domestic medicinal herb, being a simple well known to all country-folk. It belongs to the Rose order of plants, and its slender spikes of yellow flowers, which are in bloom from June to early September, and the singularly beautiful form of its much-cut-into leaves, make it one of the most graceful of our smaller herbs.
A fast growing perennial to 3-5 feet tall with yellow flowers on long slender spikes. Grows in zones 3-8. Taken as a tea, it is useful for liver, kidney and bladder problems. It is also a healing herb for mucous membranes and it's astringent properties help stop bleeding.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95

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