Calimintha Seeds

Useful gardening information
Calamintha nepeta is a bushy, rhizomatous, perennial herb of the mint family that is native to Europe and the Mediterranean region. It typically forms a dense, indefinitely spreading, foliage mat with upright leafy flowering stems rising to 12-18" tall. Ovate, gray-green leaves to 3/4" long are very fragrant when crushed. Tiny, tubular, two-lipped, pink or lilac to white flowers appear in axillary spikes over a long June-September bloom period. Flowers are attractive to bees.

Excellent edging plant for walks, patios or herb gardens. Also effective when sprawled over low retaining walls or in containers. Rock gardens or border fronts. Good informal ground cover.

3695 Nepitella ( Calamintha nepeta )
(Lesser calamint) A regional favourite in Tuscany where it is added to mushroom dishes and green vegetables for its distinctive minty flavour. Sauteed zucchini or mushrooms with fresh nepitella, tomatoes, and garlic is served with roast or boiled meat dishes.
Compact mounds of tiny white flowers turning blue with age. Calamintha Nepeta should be placed where its delightfully fragrant foliage can be touched and brushed. Very long blooming, all the way until frost.
Excellent edging plant for walks, patios or herb gardens. Also effective when sprawled over low retaining walls or in containers. Rock gardens or border fronts.
Perennial zones 5-10.
  8mg pack ( about 30-40 seeds ) $3.95

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