Lavender Hyssop Seeds

The crushed leaves of Lavender Hyssop, also known as Anise Hyssop, have a fragrance of mint and licorice. The bright purple flowers and textured foliage make this an excellent choice for sunny prairies, open oak woodlands, and savannas. This pollinator favorite and butterfly magnet is an excellent addition in herb gardens, borders and perennial gardens. Agastache foeniculum is biennial, and self-sows readily on open soil.
Useful gardening information
Sowing: Direct sow on the surface of the soil in late fall. For spring planting, mix the seed with moist sand and store in the refrigerator for 30 days before planting. To start the seed indoors, sow the seed on the surface of the soil in a flat; keep the soil temperature between 70-75 degrees F with consistent moisture until germination.

Growing: This plant can be very drought tolerant and loves hot weather, but reaches its full potential with regular watering. It will not tolerate soggy, wet soil; it prefers sandy or rocky soil with good drainage. It easily reseeds itself, but unwanted volunteer plants can easily be moved or transplanted. Established plants can be divided. This plant attracts bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, and beneficial insects.

Harvesting: Fresh leaves can be individually harvested for tea, salads, or medicinal use throughout the growing season; in the morning after the dew has dried is the best time for harvesting. Take individual leaves first from the bottom of the stem and work up to the top. Do not remove more than 60% of the plant at any one time. To harvest entire stalks for drying, cut them 2-3” from the ground and hang them upside down to dry.

Seed Saving: When the flower spikes begin to dry and turn brown, remove them and spread them out to dry; thresh them to remove the seed. Shaking the entire plant’s seed heads into a container is also effective, but the process should be repeated daily until all the seed has matured. Store the seed in a cool, dry place

TPF173 Lavender Hyssop ( Agastache foeniculum )
Attractive honey plant; produces abundant nectar which yields a light fragrant honey.
Strongly anise-scented, it is delightful for tea or as culinary seasoning.
Deer cannot stand the aromatic foliage.Beautiful, fragrant purple flowers growing 12-36" tall. Perennial. Zone 4-7.
Seed packs will contain many dormant seeds that may take until second second season to germinate, in addition to seeds that will germinate the first seaon, so be patient with them.
 35mg package ( about 100 seeds ) $2.95

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