Oaxaca Cardon Cacti Seeds

Oaxaca Cardon ( Pachycereus weberi )
SF258 Oaxaca Cardon ( Pachycereus weberi )
Also known as candelabro, (the common name being an obvious reference to the resemblance of plants to candelabras). A giant, columnar cactus with a spreading, candelabra-like crown to 30 feet tall from central and southern Mexico, where it grows in scrubland or dry forest. In cultivation Pachycereus weberi is best suited to dry climates in USDA Zones 10 and above.
The edible, delicious fruits can be eaten raw or used to prepare jams and jellies. The seeds can be ground into a flour to make tortillas and the like.
 35mg pack ( about 10 seeds ) $2.95
 25 seeds $5.95

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