Garlic Chives Seeds

HR131 Chives, Garlic ( Allium tuberosum )
If you like traditional Chives, and you are also a lover of garlic, then try these Chives seeds and grow Garlic Chives. The subtle garlic flavor of Garlic Chives is perfect for use in uncooked dishes where raw regular garlic might be overwhelming or too spicy.
The flowers produced from Garlic Chives herb seeds bloom during the summer months which is much later than traditional chives. These blooms are also edible, and they attract bees as the nectar in this herb is rich. Many gardeners even cut the blooms for indoor flower arrangements. They dry well for dried arrangements too.
Like most of the Allium family, Garlic Chives plants do have a small bulb that can be used like a small green onion. You may harvest these small bulbs while the flower is still a bud. Harvest the leaves as desired once they are about 6 inches long. Pick the leaves from the base by hand. Garlic Chives leaves are very soft and quickly lose freshness. Like Chives, Garlic Chives may be frozen.
  500mg Package ( about 75-100 seeds ) $2.95
  3.5g Package ( about 500 seeds ) $5.95

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