Tetra Mix Snapdragon Seeds

TPF244 Tetra Mix Snapdragon
Robust, scented flowers in an abundance of colors bring back memories of old-fashioned annual cutting gardens. This is a semi-dwarf snapdragon, which grows from 18-24" high, enlivens garden beds and borders, as well as bouquets and offers a delightful fragrance. This is a great butterfly and bee attractor! Snapdragons have been a garden favorite since the 1700s. Originating in the Mediterranean region, this flower gets its name from its unusual blossoms that look like a dragon's head; the "mouth" even opens when squeezed. In medieval times, snapdragons often guarded the gates of castles because of a belief that they offered protection. Victorian women received bouquets of this flower with delight, since this meant a coming proposal; they also made infusions of the plant for cosmetic purposes.
Thomas Jefferson grew snapdragon plant seeds in his famous experimental garden, the first American to document their growth. In addition to being decorative in the garden, snapdragon blossoms are edible and can be used as a garnish for elegant desserts.
 Large 2g pack ( over 2,000 seeds will cover a 150 sq. ft. patch ) $4.95

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