Venus Flytrap Seeds

Venus flytraps ( Dionaea muscipula ) are perennials native to boggy areas of coastal North and South Carolina. They grow in moist, acidic soils in full sun, but only survive winter outdoors in Zones 8-10. Gardeners in colder-winter climates should grow Venus flytraps in a moist environment, such as a terrarium, that can go indoors during winter.
Venus Flytraps need direct sunlight for healthy growth. If you’re growing your plant indoors, choose a bright sunny windowsill. Insufficient sunlight will cause your flytrap’s leaves to become weak and floppy, and the insides of its traps will lack red colouration.

For best flytrap care, keep the environment humid and the soil moist but don't let the plants stand constantly in water. Grow them in a pot with drainage holes. If you have a Venus flytrap terrarium, place gravel below the soil for extra drainage. Good air circulation is also important in growing Venus flytrap.
Use rain or distilled water to take care of your flytraps, because tap water is often too alkaline or may contain too many added minerals or chlorine.
Please visit Tom's Canivores website for excellent information about feeding your Venus Flytraps

Germinating Venus Flytrap Seeds

Start with a good soil mix, we recommend a 60 percent peat moss and 40 percent vermiculite or perlite blend. Pre-soak the mix before sowing seeds, we also recommend treating the seed mix with fungicide before sowing seeds.
For a pack of 10 seeds, a four inch pot is plenty large enough. Sprinkle seeds on surface, these are very small seeds and lightly press into soil.
To keep soil wet, place the pot in a container and fill with water half way up the pot. If using tap water, allow to set overnight before using to allow chlorine to evaporate.
Keep in bright light until germination. After germination, place seedlings in brightly lit windowsill or grow them under strong fluorescent lights. Keep at room temperature ( about 75 degrees ). Germination usually takes about 4-8 weeks in our trials. A few months after germination, plants should be large enough to transplant into individual pots.
After growing indoors for their first winter, acclimate them to outdoor growing where they can receive full sun during spring and summer. Normally flytraps will be only 1/2 inch tall at the end of their first year. They will reach flowering maturity by their third season.
TRM545 Venus Fly Trap ( Dionaea muscipula )
The famed carnivorous plant, fun to grow, fascinating to watch it catch it's meals!

OOSNote: This item is currently sold out, but should be back in stock shortly.

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